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G's and the environment...
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Posted 5/22/2007 9:59 PM

Date registered: Dec 1899
RE: G's and the environment...

There are those who believe that people concerned about global warming trends are left wing, anti-capitalist eco terrorists. I would like to point out that a very large and very old conservative, pro-capitalist firm - Lloyds of London - are convinced that global warming and it consequences represent a terminal threat to their 300 year old business. This a position they have held for at least ten years, and have been sponsoring a number of studies and forums. A search on LLoyds website for information on global warming yields 7945 results

Two of their recent papers include:




Recommended reading, particularly considering the source.

02 G500

#75330 - in reply to #75316
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Posted 5/23/2007 12:26 AM

Date registered: Dec 1899
RE: G's and the environment...

It's interesting to me that many of the posts from those who deny or dispute global warming contain the harshness I pointed out or "undertone" as Harald put it... I don't see that nearly as much from the other side... in any case, completely unneccessery.

I don't label myself as left or right as I have views on many subjects that could be classified on both sides...

I think it really boils down to this, right or left...

pollution... bad
clean air... good
wasting natural resources... bad
conserving natural resources... good

can we all agree on that?

#75348 - in reply to #75330
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Posted 5/23/2007 1:42 AM
G wizz
Elite Veteran

Date registered: Apr 2006
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Re: G's and the environment...

global warming,why has no one mentioned global dimming


Edited by G wizz 5/23/2007 1:45 AM
#75358 - in reply to #74687
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Posted 5/23/2007 2:43 AM

Date registered: Aug 2006
Location: Vancouver B.C. Canada
Vehicle(s): 1989 280GE
Posts: 1347
RE: G's and the environment...

G wizz - 5/22/2007 12:37 AM
lakes and seas give off a huge amount of various gases from roting vegitation etc, one lake in particular killed a whole village in Africa, twice, due to it releasing toxic gases.
That's nothing, you better stock up on gas masks because our permafrost is melting, and it's going to do more than smell bad
#75366 - in reply to #75237
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Posted 5/23/2007 11:03 AM

Date registered: Dec 1899
Re: G's and the environment...

G wizz - 5/22/2007 10:42 PM

global warming,why has no one mentioned global dimming


Well, what about Dihydrogen Monoxide?

#75391 - in reply to #75358
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Posted 5/24/2007 12:55 AM

Date registered: Aug 2006
Location: Vancouver B.C. Canada
Vehicle(s): 1989 280GE
Posts: 1347
RE: G's and the environment...

Brent - 5/22/2007 12:16 PM

...I find it a bit ignorant and arrogant to assume it is man causing these problems, if in fact there is really a "problem " at all. For gosh sakes guys, the world has detonated several nuclear bombs and we didn't appreciably damage the planet....
Tell that to the poor souls who where ground zero for 2 of them
#75464 - in reply to #75290
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Posted 5/24/2007 1:11 AM

Date registered: Aug 2006
Location: Vancouver B.C. Canada
Vehicle(s): 1989 280GE
Posts: 1347
RE: G's and the environment...

Brent - 5/22/2007 12:16 PM

I might as well throw my tow cents into the ring as well.

Whether or not the global temp is rising in a trend that will actually ever make a difference in our lives is rather debatable. If in fact it is rising the best evidence of the cause lies with the suns temp increase lately. If you look at the sun temp data it correlates almost directly with fluctuations on earths surface temps. Wild concept I know, the sun heating the earth, but it sure looks more plausible than man causing the problem.
It's easy to blame something we are not responsible for, yup the Sun is getting hotter and sure it fluctuates, it's been getting hotter for the last 4 billion years though. However, if you really think the gazillion tonnes of smog that we have pumped into our atmosphere are not to blame for our trouble, then hold out for the sun's big finish in about another 5 billion years...things are going to get really bad..... then you we be right in placing the blame.
#75465 - in reply to #75290
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Posted 5/24/2007 3:07 AM
Boy G

Date registered: Feb 2007
Location: Bushveld, South Africa
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Re: G's and the environment...

From my ignorant and little perspective, and with my apologies to those with education, herewith my individual contribution to the collective argument:

I believe that science has a poor track record as far as forcasting is concerned. If you want my opinion about examples I'll post them.

I have been terrorised by some threat that science has been warning me about, for most of my life and I choose to be sceptical of its forecasts now, for the part of my life that is left. If you want examples I'll post them too.

I believe climate change to be undeniable because I experience it! (now that is science?!)
Can climate change be a result of many factors - some of them man-made some of them not? And this is what this thread has addressed, which is a probably a side issue – a symptom of a bigger problem.
Can it be that the earth has more safety mechanisms / thermostats etc than we know about?

And my individual contribution to the collective problem:
I am probably living in a state of excess. (5 G’s??)
I like to believe there is little or no fault to be found in me.
I have a wealth of knowledge but very little wisdom.
I am probably self absorbed.
I am spiritually and morally challenged. Don’t like to admit this one!
I believe that change comes from other people first.
If you identify with me:
Can these things not be the root cause of our problems, environmental and otherwise?

Carpe diem brothers - sieze today, I am guilty of those things above, so I have an ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind my own business, to work with my hands, and not be dependent on anyone. And I struggle.

Thank you all for this thread.
#75484 - in reply to #74687
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Posted 5/24/2007 10:02 AM
Elite Veteran

Date registered: Apr 2006
Location: gwagenpreserve.com
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RE: G's and the environment...

Yes, it is one of the most amazing things to me, that western culture and capitalist virtues seem to go hand in hand with the continuation of age - old fear tactics. Sure religions have been imparting their version of it for eons, and scaring those non-conformers into submission has been the goal, usually with much success of controlling populations thru cultural hedgemony.

Think of how much further along we could be without these influences controlling the follower personalities. I always have said, that if TV was unavailable in the USA for just one month that we'd jump ahead 5 years+ in thought and more importantly our people would start to get their priorities back into a more "live your life" order.

Nonetheless, we each still have a choice, to be overtaken by fears, and not question what the media, the gov't, science, religion, even our own friends and family tell us. Note from so many of these posts on the thread how folks tend to be "so sure" of their opinions being the right one for the world and yet not backed by facts they can publish with those opinions. So much of the world lives in lies, lies of all kinds. The ability to question, to analze, to logically think, is a talent of the human race that is under-utilized. If anything having to do with "environmental change" is neccessary to protect our well being, its going to be to strip our cultural environment of these scare control tactics.

Anyways, there is no doubt that there is significant damage going on to the atmosphere of the earth due to chemicals released thru rapid industrialization of the world. I think each person should do their part. So what if my one car running WVO doesn't change the world, but I can tell you that awareness can.

For instance, I have never been one in support of hybrid cars, but yet I can say even though there are the "ecocryts"who scoop them up to show off their "higher moral aptitudes and virtues" they are somewhat good, not becuase of each cars little insignificant impact on fuel volumes traded, or on pollution, but again becuase of the awareness factor. This awareness factor makes people curious. And to be able to be curious is also on of the great talents of the human being. Curiosity brings forth questions, questions bring analysis and theory, analysis bring tests, tests bring facts.

If hybrids never came along with their ecocryt virtue advertisements for instance, my 73 year old mother would not have spoken to me about smog and pollution. At least she is reading up on it now, even though they still choose to drive a northstar V8 (hey they are italian and in florida!!), but nonetheless, they are giving it some thought.

What is all this really doing? It's giving folks who care to investigate, to really research, to get grants, get funding, for studies that do matter to all of us in the future. Whether all the theories pan out or not does not matter to me, but the gathering of more real hard science for the future generations to apply should also be seen as a positive impact even though it cannot be directly measured today.

Like Harald, I don't need to push my green virtues like the ecocryts. Yes, my 300GD runs entirely on WVO, yes its our only daily driver, yes my unimog does great on biodiesel, yes I live in a "green building", but note when you see my cars, there are no billboard stickers shoving these "choices" i've made in other's faces. And even though I do these practices out of my own choosing, I still get harassed by annoying tree hugger hippies if I need to remove a hazardous tree from my land, or excavate for a retaining wall in my yard.

I do it becuase I want to. That's it, period. But I am rare. Not so many have become fortunate to see the light I see, the light that tells me, hey nothing matters except living your life to the fullest, and helping those around you, whether friend, stranger, family, to do so as well. Judgement is a horrible divider in our world's culture. It is a very negative result of religious teachings amongst other things. Should I be a good valued person because I fear judgement? Or should I be that way becuase I PERSONALLY believe its what is most human?
I err on on the latter.

The unfortunate part of hybrids, and over-sensitizing the issue, is that only some facts are given light, while others of more serious brevity remain covered up.

What we see here is a shelving of public opinion in regards to industrial pollution and waste (ie power plants, factories, chemical companies, etc etc). This shelving occurs when we focus too much on the little stuff. For some, it might seem right, to do what one can on their own to be "grass roots" about change.

But this brings this post back full circle to what really counts in my opinion and that is wide-scale research and fact based awareness, which is what empowers groups of people to make changes on a larger scale, ones that really make a difference.

Did you know that CO release by vehicles is only 7% by cars?? Well I knew that before I converted to WVO. So what difference am I making on the whole. Negligable. But so what, I know that it is what I PERSONALLY believe is right for my family, to be as sustainable as possible.

The only thing that should be feared is making decisions based on BS, whether that is in support of green initiatives or against! So folks, let's really check our facts before we go jumping off in favor of hydrogen cars, or E85. Let's really make sure that we check our facts that sending boys to die for the purposes of elitist benefits make sense.

Am I anti war?
Well sure generally, but if you are going to be putting my rights at risk, then I'll be coming after you. But if you are not, then I am not going to fight you (or support others that do)over resource allocation and capitalist greed.

Edited by clubgwagen.com 5/24/2007 10:08 AM


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#75511 - in reply to #74687
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Posted 5/24/2007 11:18 AM
G wizz
Elite Veteran

Date registered: Apr 2006
Location: Uk
Vehicle(s): Dont own a G anymore, Too expensive!!!!
Posts: 686
Re: G's and the environment...

I have to say I am surpirsed these threads have gone as far as they have, however, we as owners of the G are affected by tree huggers, enviromentalist and other people that are blinkered in the real root of our excess(here in the UK alone we waste 13.8 millions tons of food per year)

We all have to make changes, but what we save, other developiing countries will far out weigh our savings with there pollution in there development. Its this that frustrates us all I am sure, that people tell us what we should and shouldnt drive. Let these people make the journey to these countires and protest there massive excess, and while there there let them take a step back and look at where there cheap throw away goods are made ! You cant have your cake and eat it.

I am sure that most, if not all of us here are sensible, rational and enviromentally freindly people. I know I am, but dont tell me how to enjoy my leisure time.

#75517 - in reply to #74687
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Posted 5/24/2007 12:38 PM

Date registered: Dec 1899
RE: G's and the environment...

For all of those following this thread that live in Southern California. You might enjoy attending an exhibition at the Petersen Automotive Museum on alternative power. Bring your kids and yes, your 73 year old mothers too.

#75529 - in reply to #74687
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Posted 5/24/2007 3:24 PM

Date registered: Apr 2006
Location: La Paz, Baja California, Mexico
Vehicle(s): 02 G500
now here is a though

looks like our climate is getting warmer - with a proposed bad outcome for the future

we are told that human produced CO2 is the cause
we are told we must do something soon to correct that

there are voices that say other factors are causing the warm up
no action needed or possible

I am in no position to fully understand the complexity of the subject
and I am in no position to really know (not believe - know) whether the warm up is caused by
burping cows or cars or power plants or volcanic eruptions or heating of the sun etc

Since industry and politicians (after initial resistance) seem to like the idea of global warming caused by humans,
I begin to wonder whether this is another sophisticated scare tactic to make us do (buy) something we otherwise would not do (buy).

Did I just have a strange dream?
#75544 - in reply to #75529
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Posted 5/24/2007 4:25 PM

Date registered: Apr 2006
Location: SWFL
Vehicle(s): G-less for now, vintage MBs, FJ40
Re: G's and the environment...

An interesting novel on this subject is Michael Crichton's "State of Fear". He uses the global warning topic as the basis for this fictional story about a radical environmental movement. What is unique about this book are all the footnotes (which are real).

ISBN 978-0061015731

In the novel he contends it is more newsworthy to run around claiming the sky is falling then reporting nothing - hence a lot of these things we read aren't necessarily true, just more likely to be in the news. In addition, there is another side to every study and every statistic. The footnotes do a good job of illustrating the problems w/ these "facts" people like Al Gore try to pass off as absolute truths. There is a mountain of data disputing much of it.

Whether you believe global warming or not - interesting read.

Edited by mb230s 5/24/2007 4:27 PM
#75552 - in reply to #74687
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Posted 5/24/2007 5:22 PM
Administrator Doppelgänger

Date registered: Apr 2006
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RE: G's and the environment...

Thanks for everybody's contributions, but let's get back to discussing the Gwagen. If you want to pursue this topic further, Off Topic is a good place to go. Thanks.

Topic closed on the G-Class Forum.
#75559 - in reply to #74687
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